The EFFECTOR research project is titled ‘An End to end Interoperability Framework For MaritimE Situational Awareness at StrategiC and TacTicalOpeRations’. The project, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 (GA number 883374), is coordinated by the Secrétariatgénéral de la mer (SGMER)

EFFECTOR will unlock the full capabilities of maritime surveillance systems and data sharing at tactical and strategic level by introducing applied solutions for enhanced border and external security, including :

  • the implementation of a multilayered data lake platform for end-to-end interoperability and data exploitation,
  • the exchange of enhanced situational awareness pictures at different level with CISE and EUROSUR,
  • the adoption of interoperability standards for exploiting data sources and systems currently underutilized in maritime environment
  • the demonstration of new concepts and tools for knowledge extraction, semantic representation, data fusion, analytics, and federated querying that can scale from local to regional and up to national and transnational level.

The EFFECTOR solution will be tested, validated and demonstrated in real operational scenarios together with maritime authorities, End Users and practitioners in France, Portugal and Greece.

Official website: https://www.effector-project.eu

Twitter : https://twitter.com/effector_h2020

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/effector-h2020-Project